Monday, October 12, 2009

5 + 1 ObSTructions

This week I looked at what I've made thus far. I noticed a clear pattern/formula for how I've been working. Thank you Lars Van Trier.

Neutral colors + old images (typically involving people) + matte mod podge + sewing details + text =

My obstruction was kind of like playing a game. Each card I made I had add something that I typically hadn't or subtract something. Some of the adjustments were small, probably unnoticeable to those besides myself and other adjustments were larger and made a clear difference in the aesthetic I've established so far.

*Used a new magazine
*Used a more abstract image
*Showed only the hand of a human instead of a full figure

*Used two images together
*Used new magazines
*Mixed machine stitches with gluing the string down

*No figure
*No mod podge

*No figure
*Correlation between "grow" and the image.
*"Friendly" card. There's not really any humor incorporated into this card

This card was probably the biggest jump from my work thus far and although it's not successful in my eyes. I think I'll be using some of the techniques again.
*New magazine
*Subtracting the image
*Glossy mod podge
*Glued down the string
*No machine stitching
*No text


  1. what in the world is mod podge?
    i like your obstructions - your recognition of them, and reaction to them. i think you're really going somewhere -- i love the last image and hope you keep working like this: noticing your patterns of telling, of making, and trying to transcend them.

  2. Hey Caitlin-
    Where in the world are your new entries (since Charles asked about the mod podge)?
