Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reality is malleable

"An Awful big Adventure" by Tim Walker in UK December Vogue

(last poem for the zine, it's not even a might just be the way I speak)

I recall what never happened with perfect clarity
Some call me liar
But I call me a storyteller
A fact and fiction weaver
An oral enthusiast
(please insert fellatio joke where you see fit)
It was forgettable
Spin it
Tell it, don’t talk it
They’ll remember
For reality is malleable
Paper is shredable
And I would literally die
if I could not exaggerate
A new language created from butchering the old
Now I communicate falsities with aggressive confidence

Friday, December 2, 2011

Something about a woman and a snake

.....makes one's mind flicker - penis joke, wait, britneyspears - wait! Mr. Smith's 4th grade pet. oh yeah, there was that whole religious situation where Eve had taken to chatting up the snake in the garden of eden.
Well evidently Eve got her apple, her knowledge, and some lovely jewelry. 
M A R I A   F R A N C E S C A   S P R I N G   /   S U M M E R   2 0 1 2  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December has begun

December feelings in photographs with no reference to the holidays. Warm cheeriness will come later with Dolly & Kenny Christmas videos.